Monday, July 16, 2018

Fall Term

We are all gearing up for an exciting Fall term for the Fredericton Choral Society, together with our conductor, Heather Fyffe, and our accompanist, Catherine MacDonald. Our first rehearsal of the term will be on Tuesday, September 11.

This term, we are delighted to be partnering with the Fredericton Symphony Orchestra to present a St. Cecilia's Day concert on the day itself, Thursday, November 22. This year is the bicentenary of Charles Gounod's birth, so our selection for this term is none other than Gounod's St. Cecilia Mass.

Rehearsal & Performance Information

Start of Term: Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
Rehearsals: Tuesdays at 7:15–9:15 pm.
Location: St. Paul's United Church, 224 York St (at York and George).
Concert Date: Thursday, November 22, 2018.

Registration Information

Online registration is now open at; we strongly encourage you to complete this part of the registration process in advance. We will also be handling in-person registration (as well as collecting term fees and distributing scores) at the first three rehearsals of the term, starting at 6:45 pm:

Tuesday, September 11;
Tuesday, September 18;
Tuesday, September 25.

Fee Information

Individual: $40.
Family: $65.
Student: $10.

We are happy to accept payment either by cash or by cheque payable to The Fredericton Choral Society.