Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Spring term registration

ATTENTION ALL SINGERS:  The Spring term for the Fredericton Choral Society will begin on Tuesday, January 5th, 2016 with registration beginning at 6:30pm, followed by the first rehearsal at 7:15pm at St. Paul's United Church, corner of George and York Streets.  The choir is conducted by Heather Dunham and accompanied by Catherine MacDonald.  Our spring concert will be with the Fredericton Symphony Orchestra on April 2nd in Woodstock and April 3rd in Fredericton.  We will perform Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony" and the evocative "Flying Swans" by contemporary Canadian composer Marjan Mozetich.  The cost per term is $40 for adults, $10 for students and $65 for a family. If you are unable to make it for the first rehearsal, registration will continue the following week. Online registration is available now at or you can register in person. We look forward to seeing you.